We love to help you with your delivery enquiries
If you have a query with the delivery of an order please call our delivery partner, GNT.
At GNT, you can call Geraldine or Sagie on 0431 105 229 or 07 3387 0116.
We also love to talk to you about your pet’s nutritional needs
If you would like to discuss your pet’s nutritional needs please call us on 0467 205 600 and we can refer you to our vet nurses, or email us at help@wearepets.com.au.
We love to give you information about the products in the We are Pets box
Questions on the dog food in the boxes or on how to change diets? Call us on 0467 250 600 and we can refer you to our vet nurses, or email us at help@wearepets.com.au.
We love to help you with your damaged goods enquiry
If you have been delivered incorrect or damaged goods, please call us on 0467 205 600 or email us at help@wearepets.com.au.
We love feedback and suggestions
If you would like to talk about We are Pets on facebook here is our page link
We love using facebook messenger to answer your questions
Just click on this link to chat with us on facebook messenger
For anything else, please call us on 0467 205 600 or email us at help@wearepets.com.au.
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