Here’s a few tips on how to make sure all the excitement doesn’t harm your pets
1: Its a big NO to chocolates or lollies for your pets – make sure you keep the treat bowl away from your pets as they can be really harmful for your pets.
2: Keep your pets away from front door or even better keep them in a room/backyard during trick or treating hours so they can’t run away.
3: Think about your dogs personality before taking them with you and kids trick or treating – the mixture of excited kids and strange places can make some dogs very anxious.
4: if you plan to dress up your pets, make sure you double check the costume doesn’t restrict breathing or movement, or stress them out – supervise them at all times and consider some dress rehearsals.
5: Keep pets away from any candles in Jack ‘O Lanterns or other open flames
and if your dog (or you) have had enough of the doorbell ringing just put up a sign saying “no more lollies” to stop the visits – works a treat… see what we did there? 🎃🎃🎃
PHOTO CREDIT Village Veterinary Clinic of Hamburg
Hahaha that joke at the end was brilliant! You always know how to put an interesting twist on quality content.
We need more articles like this. Very inspiring!